Traffic Signs

How to Choose The Right Traffic Signs

Traffic Signs

How to choose the right traffic signs for your projects?

Traffic signage, an infrastructure for road traffic management, coming in different colors, shapes, and patterns, is used to convey messages, provide guidance, issue warnings, or restrict speeds to drivers and pedestrians. These colors, shapes, and patterns of traffic signs are important components of its design and are standardized to enhance quick recognition and understanding.  Here are some tips on traffic signs when you need them for your projects.

Color Standards

Colors are an important part of traffic signage and are used to convey information, provide guidance, issue warnings, or restrict speeds. The standard specifies the meaning and scope of use represented by different colors of signage. Such as:

Red signage: indicates prohibition or stop, used for stop signs and yield signs.

Yellow signage: indicates warning or attention, commonly used for warning signs, including those that indicate changes in road conditions or potential hazards.

Blue signage: used for motorist services and information signs.

Green signage: used for guide signs, providing directional or navigational information.

White signage: Generally used for regulatory signs, including speed limit signs.

Orange signage: Generally used for regulatory signs, including speed limit signs.

Brown signage: Used for signs indicating recreational and cultural interest areas.

Shape Standards

Different shapes of signage also have different meanings and uses. Common shapes include circles, rectangles, triangles, octangle hexagons, and squares. The standard specifies the scope of use and meaning of various shapes of signage. Such as:

Circular signage: This shape is often used for regulatory signs, including speed limit signs. The circle signifies an order or regulation. Speed limit signs in a circular shape are commonly found in European countries.

Rectangular signage: Indicates the name of the road, the road number, and direction information, such as road signs, exit signs, etc. This is another common shape for speed limit signs, particularly in the United States. Rectangular signs with a white background are regulatory signs, and they convey information about rules that drivers must follow.

Triangular signage: Indicates warning traffic signs, which are used to remind and inform drivers of traffic information requiring special attention, such as attention to children signs, attention to curves signs, etc.

Octangular signage: The octagonal shape is exclusively used for stop signs. Stop signs are regulatory signs that instruct drivers to come to a complete stop at an intersection.

Hexagonal signage: Indicates hazardous traffic signs, which are used to indicate dangers or warning messages on the road, such as dangerous road signs, construction warning signs, etc. The hexagonal signs are typically used for warning signs. While not as common for speed limits, you might find diamond-shaped signs indicating specific conditions or hazards on the road.

Square signage: They are used for various purposes, including regulatory and warning signs. However, square speed limit signs are less common compared to rectangular ones.

Pattern Standards

Patterns on signs are also part of the standardization of traffic signage; they have a clear meaning and defined dimensions. Common patterns include text, graphics, and arrows. The standard specifies the scope and form of use of different pattern signage. Such as:

Prohibit sign: used to prohibit a certain behavior, generally using circular signs, through the pattern or text to clearly indicate the content of the prohibition, such as prohibit parking, prohibit U-turn signs, etc..

Warning signs: used to remind drivers need to pay attention to the traffic situation, the general use of triangular signs, through the pattern or text to clearly remind drivers need to pay special attention to the content, such as attention to sharp turns, pay attention to pedestrians and so on.

Indicator signs: used to indicate the direction and location of the driver, generally using rectangular, circular or hexagonal signs, through the pattern or text to clearly indicate the need to travel in the direction or location, such as parks ahead, and exit signs.


May it help you when you are confused about what kind of traffic signs for  your projects, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you want to get more information.

Traffic Signs

Traffic Signs

Traffic Signs

What are traffic signs?

Traffic signs are road facilities that convey information, provide guidance, issue warnings, or restrict speeds to motorized, non-motorized, or pedestrian traffic along a roadway or in a specific area, either in words or symbols. These signs play a vital role in maintaining road safety, regulating traffic flow, and conveying important information to road users.

What are traffic signs called?

Traffic Signs also called traffic Signage, traffic control signs, road symbol signs, traffic safety signs, road signs, street signs, construct site signs, road work signs, regulatory signs,

How many types of traffic signs are there?

There exist numerous types of traffic signs, and the specific categories of traffic signs are subject to variation due to diverse traffic regulations and rules across different countries. Drawing on my extensive experience in sourcing from various nations, I have conducted a preliminary classification of traffic signs.

Regulatory Signs

Stop signs

Yield signs

Speed limit signs

No entry signs

One-way signs

No U-turn signs

Warning Signs

Curve ahead

School zone

Slippery road

Deer crossing

Traffic signal ahead

Guide Signs

Route markers

Exit signs

Mileage signs

Hospital signs

Airport signs

Informational Signs

Rest area signs

Gas station signs

Food and lodging signs

Tourist attraction signs

Construction and Maintenance Signs

Road work ahead

Detour signs

Construction zone speed limit signs

School Signs

School zone signs

School crossing signs

School bus stop ahead

Railroad Signs

Railroad crossing signs

Advance warning signs for railroad crossings

Parking Signs

No parking signs

Parking lot entrance signs

Handicapped parking signs

Traffic Signal Signs

Stop here on red signs

No turn on red signs

Lane use control signs

Emergency and Service Signs

Hospital signs

Fire station signs

Police station signs

Emergency evacuation route signs

Pedestrian Signs

Pedestrian crossing signs

Sidewalk signs

What is the purpose of a traffic sign?

Road traffic signs are to provide vehicle drivers and pedestrians with the necessary road traffic information to manage and guide traffic for the benefit of travel and driving safety.

Why are traffic signs important?

Traffic signs play a crucial role in maintaining road safety, regulating traffic flow, and passing on essential information to road users. Here are several reasons why traffic signs are important.

Safety Enhancement:

Accident Prevention: Traffic signs help prevent accidents by providing clear instructions and warnings to drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists. They communicate rules and regulations that, when followed, contribute to a safer road environment.

Risk Reduction: Warning signs alert drivers to potential hazards, such as curves, intersections, or pedestrian crossings, reducing the risk of accidents.

Traffic Flow Regulation:

Directional Guidance: Traffic signs, including guide signs and route markers, provide drivers with directions, helping them navigate and reach their destinations efficiently.

Control of Speed: Speed limit signs regulate vehicle speeds, contributing to a smoother and more predictable flow of traffic.

Communication of Rules and Regulations:

Regulatory Compliance: Traffic signs convey legal requirements and regulations, ensuring that drivers adhere to specific rules on the road, such as stopping at stop signs or yielding the right of way.

Enforcement Support: Traffic signs support law enforcement efforts by providing a standardized and visual means of communicating rules. They aid in issuing citations for non-compliance.

Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety:

Crosswalks and Pedestrian Signals: Pedestrian crossing signs and signals help ensure the safety of pedestrians by indicating where it is safe to cross and when they should wait.

Bicycle Lanes: Signs designate areas for cyclists, promoting their safety and indicating where they should ride.

Emergency Response:

Evacuation Routes: Traffic signs play a crucial role in emergency situations by indicating evacuation routes, helping people navigate safely away from danger.

Emergency Service Locations: Signs indicating the location of hospitals, fire stations, and police stations assist emergency services and the public during crises.

Consistency and Standardization:

Universal Understanding: Standardized traffic signs provide a universal language for road users. This is especially important for international travelers who may encounter different driving rules and languages.

Consistent Communication: By using consistent symbols, colors, and shapes, traffic signs ensure that messages are easily understood regardless of language barriers.

Construction and Road Work Safety:

Work Zone Indicators: Signs in construction zones warn drivers about upcoming road work, detours, and changes in traffic patterns, enhancing safety for both drivers and workers.

School and Community Safety:

School Zones: Signs in school zones help protect children by alerting drivers to reduce speed and be cautious.

Residential Areas: Traffic signs in residential areas may include speed limits and warnings to enhance safety in communities.


In conclusion, traffic signs are essential tools to create road order and safety. They not only deliver important messages and reduce the possibilities of traffic accidents to the minimum degree, but also contribute to the overall efficiency of transportation systems. Standardized signage ensures a consistent and clear communication system for road users globally. Please don’t hesitate to contact us [email protected] if you are interested

yellow crash protection bollards

Steel Crash Protection Bollards

steel crash protection bollards

What are steel bollards?

Steel bollards are a type of metal bollards with powder coating finish or painting finish or hot galvanized finish to protect buildings, infrastructure, pedestrians, machines pillars, supports, columns, (roller) gates, loading ramps etc. in urban and industrial environments.

What are steel bollards called?

Steel bollards are also called steel pipe bollards, security bollards, safety bollards, steel safety bollards, crash protection bollards, parking bollards, parking pipe bollards, crash rated bollards, impact related bollards, steel crash protection bollards, crash protection guards, crash protection bars and crash protection barriers.

What’s the material of steel bollards?

The material is Q235, carbon steel.

What the sizes of steel bollards?

Below are the conventional sizes that we produce, and we can also make ODM and OEM.

Sizes of yellow crash protection bollards

How many types of steel bollards?

Usually there are two types, inground bollards and surface mounted bollards.

Why are steel bollards important?

Steel bollards are often called crash protection bollards, here are the reasons why it is so important in urban and industrial environments below:

Vehicle Impact Mitigation. Steel bollards are designed to withstand the impact of vehicles and stop vehicles entering restricted areas, pedestrian zones, or buildings, similar to 304 stainless steel pipe bollards, but 304 SS pipe bollards are more impact resistance.

Building, Infrastructure and Equipment Protection. Bollards installed around buildings, storefronts, critical infrastructure or equipment prevent them from accidental collisions or viciously ramming attacks.

Pedestrian Safety. Steel bollards not only separate walkways from vehicle lanes, controlling traffic flow, but also improve the pedestrian safety  from crashing due to impact resistance.

Traffic Control and Security.  Steel bollards can be used as a road divider like reflective galvanized posts to manager traffic flow, and more importantly, they could take responsibility to bear the crashing, force it to stop in accident-prone locations and reduce the damage to the least.

Impact or Crashing Protection. Steel bollards usually are installed in toll station, logistics warehousing, logistics transfer center or port terminal to protect them from impacting or crashing and create relatively safe areas for workers and goods.

What are the advantages of steel bollards?

 Steel bollards offer several advantages due to their material properties and design. Here are some of the key advantages of using steel bollards,

Resistance to Impact.  Steel is a robust and durable material, making steel bollards highly resistant to impacts and wear. They can withstand collisions from vehicles, harsh weather conditions, and general wear and tear, providing long-lasting protection.

Resistance to Rust.  Steel bollard itself is not resistance to rust, but with powder coated or painting or hot galvanized, it can be resistance to rust and could stay outdoor for a very long time even if in villainous weather.

Fair price. The price is cheaper than 304 stainless steel pipe bollards, but the function is similar.

Versatility. Steel bollards come in various shapes, sizes, and designs, allowing them to be used for a wide range of applications. They can serve as decorative elements in urban landscapes or be installed for specific traffic control and safety purposes.

Reflective Tape.  Steel bollards usually are pasted 5mm reflective tape on top, then it could be reflected in night to warning the vehicles coming.

Compliance with Safety Standards. Steel bollards are manufactured to meet specific safety standards, ensuring they provide the required level of protection and meet local regulations.


Come to conclusion, steel bollards, also called impact related bollards or crash protection bollards are a type of economical and practical, resistance to impact and rust, compliance with safety standards’ metal bollards and plays a crucial roles in safeguarding pedestrians, vehicles, buildings, infrastructures, equipment and traffic control and security, these which making them more and more important in the future in various public and private spaces, please contact us [email protected] if you have some interest.

reflective galvanized posts

Reflective Galvanzied Posts

Galvanized Pipe Post

What are reflective galvanized posts?

Reflective galvanized posts are metal posts coated with a layer of zinc to protect themselves from corrosion and rust and stuck on reflective film to increase visibility in night.

What are reflective galvanized posts called?

Reflective galvanized posts also called reflective galvanized poles, reflective road divider posts, reflective galvanized columns, reflective road block posts, galvanized road Posts, reflective road barrier posts, reflective galvanized steel posts, reflective car parking bollard posts, reflective galvanized parking columns, cheap galvanized steel security posts, and urban metal galvanized posts etc.

What is the material of reflective galvanized posts?

The galvanized posts are made of Q235 carbon steel and coated with a layer of zinc called “galvanized”. The posts are resistant to corrosion and rust to some degree and can withstand various climates outside for a very long time, similar to 304 stainless steel bollards.

What are the sizes of reflective galvanized posts?

Below are the conventional sizes that we produce, and we can also make ODM and OEM.

sizes for galvanized posts

What types of reflective film for galvanized posts is used?

There are 5 kinds of reflective films in the market, engineering grade reflective film, super engineering grade reflective film, high strength grade reflective film, super grade reflective film and Diamond reflective film, and among them engineering grade reflective film is the most commonly used for galvanized posts. Moreover, there are many color combination of reflective film, the most common is red and white, black and yellow.

Why are reflective galvanized posts important?

The reflective galvanized posts are widely used in various aspects of urban traffic road safety construction.

*Reflective galvanized posts are a cheap and tough way to manage traffic flow, create traffic lanes, designate parking area and support traffic sign;

*Reflective galvanized posts stuck on engineering grade reflective films make themselves are more practical, it could also bring security and protection for drivers and pedestrians in night by reflectors and reduce the risk of road accidents.

*Reflective galvanized posts combine with parking lock to regulate parking behavior in parking area.

*Reflective galvanized posts coated with a layer of zinc not only are used as road dividers and road barriers, but also can be used as support for traffic signs.

What are the advantages of reflective galvanized posts?

Reflective galvanized posts play a vital role in urban traffic road safety construction, here are the advantages below:

Price competitive. Reflective galvanized posts are the cheapest, comparing to 304 SS Pipe Bollards and 316 SS Pipe Bollards, because the material, processing methods and surface treatment are cheaper. ;

Corrosion Resistance. Reflective galvanized posts are resistant to corrosion and rust to some degree, then they could last for a considerable time, usually several years or more with regular checking and maintaining the surface condition.


All in all, the reflective galvanized posts are a cost-effective and practical way to manage traffic flow, create traffic lanes, designate parking area, regulate parking behavior with parking locks and support traffic signs. Please remember contacting us [email protected] when you need.

304 Stainless steel Pipe Bollards

304 Stainless Steel Pipe Bollards

304 Stainless steel Pipe Bollards

What’s stainless steel bollards?

Stainless steel bollards are a type of road safety equipment used to provide security. These bollards not only serve as a physical barrier with high-strength, but also establish a strong psychological barrier. The main purpose is to prevent facilities from vehicles crashing by accident or protect people from terrorist attack.

What are stainless steel bollards called?

Stainless steel bollards are also called stainless steel traffic jams, stainless steel roadblocks, stainless steel bollard posts, stainless steel pipe bollards, stainless steel crash protective bollards, stainless steel anti-terrosist bollards, stainless steel parking bollards, stainless steel security bollards, stainless steel bollard barriers, stainless steel pipe bollard blockers, stainless steel pipe bollard poles, stainless steel warning bollards and stainless steel anti-collision bollards.

What’s the material of stainless steel pipe bollards?

Usually there are 304 SS and 316 SS to make the pipe bollards, but our manufacturer chooses 304 SS as our main material, because 304SS is a cost-effective and reliable choice if the traffic road safety application is in a standard urban or suburban area with typical environmental conditions. Please check the blog 316 SS VS 304 SS VS Galvanized Pipe to find out more information.

What are the sizes of 304 stainless steel pipe bollards?

Below are the conventional sizes that we produce, and we can also make ODM and OEM.

Attention: the thickness of 304 stainless steel column is from 0.4mm to 8mm, but 1.0mm, 1.2mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm, 3.0mm, 6.0mm are used frequently in traffic barrier.

How many colors of 304 stainless steel pipe bollards can do?

Nature(bright), brushed silver, matt finished silver, titanium golden, titanium black or customized.

How many types of 304 stainless steel pipe bollards?

By function, there are 3 types, dismountable one and fixed one;

By bases, there are 4 types, dismountable one, fixed one, in ground one and embedded barrel one;

By top, there are 6 types, dome top one , sleeve top one, triangle lock flat top one, welded flat top one. removable anti-theft flat top one, handgrip flat top one,

How many kinds of bases for 304 stainless steel pipe bollards?

There are 6 kinds of bases you would be interested in , 6mm flange, 8mm flange, 10mm flange, embedded barrel, steel tripod and in ground.

Why are 304 stainless steel pipe bollards important?

304 stainless steel plays an important role in protecting traffic control and safety. Now please check down the reasons listed why it is so important.

Prevent Facilities from Vehicles Crashing by Accident. The anti-collision class of 304 stainless steel is 4k (40km/h), which means it can control the vehicles to slow down in a quick way or to be stopped, and avoid more damage on facilities and more hurt on people when the accident is happening. These strong bearing capacity benefits from tough material 304 SS.

Anti-terrorist Security bollards. 304 SS bollards are designed for terrorist attack, rob and murder to minimize the damage.

Physical Barrier. 304 SS pipe bollards stop the vehicles accessing restricted areas, pedestrian walkways, or sensitive infrastructure. They help control traffic and protect pedestrians from potential collisions with vehicles.

Traffic Management. 304 SS pipe bollards also can be used road divider to manage traffic flow, create traffic lanes, and designate parking areas.

Pedestrian Safety. 304 SS pipe bollards are treated as guard at the gate of entrance of the scenic spot or entrance of airport, subway, and railway. It not only decorate the environment itself, but also control the crowd.

Parking Control. 304 SS pipe bollards are used to define parking spaces, protect parking areas from unauthorized entry, and prevent drivers from parking in restricted zones.

Asset Protection. 304 SS pipe bollards safeguard valuable assets such as buildings, utility equipment, public amenities, and outdoor installations from accidental damage caused by vehicles for its resistant to corrosion.

What are the advantages of 304 stainless steel pipe bollards?

304 Stainless steel pipe bollards offer numerous importance and make themselves a popular choice for various safety and security applications. Now please find out advantages below:

Corrosion Resistance. Due to resistant to corrosion and rust, 304 stainless steel pipe bollards can withstand various climates outside. like cold drying, hot and humid, snow or saltwater, which also make them well suitable for most places in the world.

High Impact-resistance. From the sizes above, we can see that it can stop the vehicles from the impact 4K(40km/h), which make a tough physical barrier between vehicles and pedestrians.

Low Maintenance. 304 Stainless steel is a robust material, ensuring that pipe bollards made from this material are strong and long-lasting. Once the pipe bollards are installed, it requires minimal maintenance, but needs to be cleared and inspected regularly to keep them in good condition, reducing the ongoing maintenance cost.

Variety of Sizes and Colors. The sizes listed above are the most popular sizes in our factory, but we do OEM and ODM both, you can have you own design and sizes and colors.

Easy Installation.  304 stainless steel pipe bollards are relatively easy to install, each of you can install them when you receive, also we will provide the video and specification to help installation.

Where to use the 304 stainless steel pipe bollards?

Urban transportation, government departments, pedestrian streets, traffic management, expressways, toll stations, airports, schools, banks, Large clubs, superstores, parking lot and garages, entrances of the scenic spot, equipment protection, perimeter security, building and property protection, industrial applications, storefront protection, and marine environments etc.

304 stainless steel pipe bollards not only provide physical barrier with high strength, but also  establish a strong psychological barrier, these are due to the characteristics of the stainless steel material itself. And it is gradually recognized and accepted by market with the advancement of technology and the improvement of economy. Please don’t hesitate to contact us [email protected] from Ningbo Hongqi Import and Export Co.,ltd. when you’re ready.

galvanized pipe poles

316 SS VS 304 SS VS Galvanized Pipe

304 stainless steel with removable anti-theft flat top

316 SS VS 304 SS

316 stainless steel also called marine-grade stainless steel, the corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance is much better than 304 stainless steel, in other words, we can replace 304 SS with 316 SS, but not the reverse. The only advantage of 304 SS is much cheaper and suitable for most general-purpose environments.


Galvanized Pipe Post

304 SS VS Galvanized Pipe

304 stainless steel is a stainless steel material with good corrosion resistance;

The galvanized pipe is made from carbon steel material and covered with a zinc layer after hot dip galvanized treatment on the surface to improve the corrosion resistance of the steel pipe.

From material comparison, obviously the corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance of 304 stainless steel both are much better than galvanized pipe, we can replace galvanized pipe with 304 stainless steel. The only advantage of galvanized is much cheaper and more widely used in constructions and traffic.


From the comparison, we can see that 304 stainless steel pipe bollards are gradually recognized and accepted by market with the advancement of technology and the improvement of economy because of special characteristics of the stainless steel material itself.

However, it is undeniable that galvanized pipes ever played a pivotal role in traffic management, road safety barrier, perimeter security and equipment protection. And it will play an important role in these with 304 stainless steel pipe bollards. Please don’t hesitate to contact us [email protected] from Ningbo Hongqi Import and Export Co.,ltd. when you’re ready.

The Stanchion Ropes

The Stanchion Ropes

 The Stanchion Ropes

What are stanchion ropes?

Stanchion ropes are an effective, attractive and convenient way to create queues, manage crowds, mark off certain sections in event spaces or decorate parties and festivals. They typically work with 2* poles and more or 2*wall mounted plates and more to fulfill their function. They are recognized and getting popular because they come in a variety of materials, sizes, colors and finishes, so you can match them to any existing décor.

What are the stanchion ropes called?

The stanchion ropes also called velvet ropes, leather ropes, braided ropes, hemp ropes, twisted ropes, red carpet ropes, decorative ropes, hang ropes and rope slings.

The history of stanchion ropes.

Stanchion ropes have been used for centuries to mark boundaries, control pedestrian traffic, and make public spaces more aesthetically pleasing. The first recorded use of stanchion ropes was in Ancient Rome, where they were used to demarcate areas for gladiatorial arenas. During the Renaissance, European nobles used them to cordon off sections of their courts. In the 19th century, stanchion ropes began to be used in public settings and have been a staple of places like airports, banks, museum galleries, and other locations ever since. Today’s stanchion ropes are commonly made of metal or plastic and come in various colors and styles to suit a variety of needs. They are an essential element of any public space, providing both function and style.

What’s the sizes of stanchions ropes?

For velvet ropes, please check specific sizes and details by 1.5m Velvet Ropes for Red Carpet Poles;

For Leather ropes, please check specific sizes and details by 1500mm Leather Stanchion Ropes with Chrome Snap Hook;

For braided ropes, please check specific sizes and details by 1.5m Twisted Ropes/ Braided Ropes/ Hemp Ropes for Silver Pillars.

What are types of stanchion ropes?

There are 3 types of stanchion ropes in the market now, the velvet ropes, the leather ropes and the braided ropes,

The velvet ropes with snap hook

The velvet ropes are made of velvet fabric, PE foam bar and metal snap hook, please view  the photo.

The velvet ropes with snap hook

The length of velvet ropes could be customized, usually the common size is 1500mm, but you also can do 1000mm, 2000mm or more;

The custom printed logo is available on velvet rope, please check logo details by 1.5m Customerized Logo on Velvet Ropes for Silver Posts;

There are many colors available for velvet ropes, and the most popular colors is red, black, Blue,  purple, green and tiffany blue, also please check more colors by 1.5m Velvet Ropes for Red Carpet Poles;

The leather ropes with snap hook

The leather ropes are made of leather, PE foam bar and metal snap hook, please view the photo.

The leather ropes with snap hook/

The leather ropes is very similar to the velvet ropes, the only difference between them from the constrcuture is on the cover, or to be more precise, the material wrapped the PE foam bar is different, one is velvet, the other is leather, please kindly check 1500mm Leather Stanchion Ropes with Chrome Snap Hook for more details. The rest is the same with velvet ropes.

The braided ropes with snap hook

The braided ropes also called twisted ropes or hemp ropes, are made of nylon or sisal hemp, and metal snap hook, please view the photo.

The braided ropes with snap hook

The braided ropes are divided into 3 kinds of ropes by material and craft: sisal hemp ropes, 14mm 9-strand braided ropes and 7mm 27-strand braided ropes,

please check 14mm 9-strand braided ropes by 1.5m Twisted Ropes/ Braided Ropes/ Hemp Ropes for Silver Pillars,

Please check 7mm 27-strand braided ropes. by 1.5m Twisted Ropes/ Braided Ropes for Black Stanchion Poles.

Snap hook also called snap end or Q hook, please view the photo.

Snap Hook

Does braiding rope make it stronger than velvet rope?

From the material, the braiding rope is stronger than velvet rope,  because the fiber of braiding rope is relatively hard, so its wear resistance, tensile strength and corrosion resistance is better, suitable for some need to bear weight and friction occasions. Comparing to it, the velvet rope has poor wear and corrosion resistance and is easily worn by friction or spoiled by moisture;

From constructure, the braiding rope is stronger then velvet rope, because the core of braiding rope is solid and complete, no matter how long time it is used, it never get distorted, but the the core of velvet rope is the soft PE foam, although the new one you get feels stronger, the PE foam will get softer in the long time using, which will take a terrible consequence: PE foam getting softer and it will be split into 2 parts obviously, finally the velvet rope is useless.

What are the differences between velvet rope and a braided rope?

No.1 The material is different. The material of velvet rope is velvet or leather, but the material of braiding rope is the nylon or sisal hemp;

No.2 The constructure is different. The core of velvet rope is soft PE foam, and the complete set requires PE foam and velvet fabric; but the core of braiding rope is solid and complete itself;

No.3 The braiding is stronger than velvet rope, please go back to check (Does braiding rope make it stronger than velvet rope?) above;

No.4 The lifespan of the braiding ropes is longer than velvet rope if quality is in the same level.

What are the advantages of stanchion ropes?

It survived and developed from sifting through long history, and gradually becomes a classic and timeless element of creating queues, managing crowds and marking off certain sections in event spaces in the public.

The primary benefit of stanchion ropes is their versatility. They come in various materials, colors, and sizes, making them suitable for a variety of contexts, from formal to informal settings.

Stanchion ropes are also highly portable and easy to install. They are lightweight and can be transported without difficulty, making them a convenient crowd control solution for mobile events or short-term activities. They require no special tools for installation, and can quickly be set up in any indoor or outdoor location.

Another advantage of stanchion ropes is their durability. Unlike other forms of crowd control like fences or walls, they can withstand rough handling and long-term use. They are resistant to damage from wear and tear, weather, or physical contact. This makes them a reliable option for controlling crowds over extended periods of time.

Furthermore, the stanchion ropes is a cost effective ad affordable way to create a barrier between patrons and restricted areas, which make it more and more popular in the world.

Moreover, the stanchion ropes is decorative, it could help decorating the parties, festivals, shops, hotels wedding and so on. It not only works with stanchion poles or wall mounted plates, but also works independently.

Do Canadians often use velvet ropes and stanchions instead of concrete barriers for crowd control?

Stanchion ropes are a popular crowd control solution in Canada, especially for outdoor events. The answer to what are the advantages of stanchion ropes is also suitable for this question.

Overall, stanchion ropes provide an efficient and affordable way to create queues, manage crowds, mark off certain sections in event spaces or decorate parties and festivals, while still maintaining an open atmosphere. Their versatility, portability, and durability make them an ideal choice for any event or activity that requires crowd control.  With the right selection and installation of stanchion ropes, event planners can ensure a safe and orderly environment for their guests. Please come to contact us [email protected] from Ningbo Hongqi Import and Export Co.,ltd if you have an interest in trying.

The 4 Way Retractable Ribbon

The 4 Way Retractable Ribbon

The 4 Way Retractable Ribbon

What is a 4 way Retractable Ribbon?

The 4 way retractable ribbon also called 4 way retractable belt, is made of retractable system and ribbon, because the retractable system was designed to have 4 pieces*fixed bar on itself, the connector at the end of the ribbon can put them in four ways.

How does the retractable ribbon working?

The retractable system also control the ribbon getting longer or getting shorter,  and this is how to control the crowd control barrier posts working. For example, when there is an event, we need to pull the ribbon as longest as possible by hand; when the even is over, they need to be put away, we just take off the the connector from the fixed bar, then it will retract back itself into a roll inside of the retractable system.

Surely the retractable ribbon couldn’t work without the crowd control barrier post, because it will be fixed on the posts and match together to do the best effects, they can be arbitrarily combined into any area shape, like square rectangle, circle or polygon based on the environmental requirement.

What are types of the retractable ribbon?

There are 4 types of retractable ribbons,

The first and the classic one, “retractable ribbon”. Pull the ribbon as longest as possible by and and retracted back itself immediately when take the connector off  the fixed bar.

The second and the special one,”safety lock retractable ribbon”. There is safety lock at the end of ribbon, it can lock the ribbon on the fixed bar. The purpose is to protect the ribbon from dropping off the fixed bar by accident or people who take off the ribbon on purpose.

The third and the new design,”slow retracting retractable ribbon”. Pull the ribbon as longest as possible, but retracted back itself very slowly. This design means to protect people from getting hurt when it retracts back and releases the hands at the end of ribbon. When it retracts back immediately, the people at the retracting system will easily get hurt from the other side if no one helps with holding the ribbon or somebody loosen the ribbon carelessly.

Furthermore, when it retracts immediately, the ribbon will be probably get twisted if no one helps with holding the ribbon;

The fourth and the multi-functional one,”slow retracting safety lock retractable ribbon”. It has all function of retractable ribbon, safety lock retractable ribbon and slow retracting retractable ribbon.

From above, we can see that the retracting system is more and more humanized.

What material is the retractable ribbon?

The mater is polyester, nylon and stainless steel.

What sizes are retractable ribbon?

The common sizes are 4.8cm in width by 2.0m in length, 4.8cm in width by 3.0m in length and 4.8cm in width by 5.0m in length;

The special sizes are 8.0cm in width by 2.0m in length, 8.0cm in width by 3.0m in length and 8.0cm in width by 5.0m in length.

Can do custom printed retractable ribbons?

Yes, the ribbons can do custom logo and graphic on it.

Can do custom length of retractable ribbons?

Yes, we can do custom length of retractable ribbons. Usually the most popular ribbons on the market are 2.0m, 3.0, and 5.0m, you can ask for a customized length if those sizes can’t meet you requirement, but please check with our sales first to find out the solution when you are ready.

Can do custom color on retractable ribbons?

Yes, the ribbon can do custom color, but it requires minimum order quantity, please also check with our sales first to find out the solution when you are ready.

The 4 way retractable ribbon provides a semi-automatic simple retractable system and a custom printed ribbon to make the crowd control barrier various and practical. Please don’t hesitate to contact us [email protected] from Ningbo Hongqi Import and Export Co.,ltd. when you’re ready.

The Dimension of Retractable Cafe Barriers Wind Breaks

The Dimension of Retractable Cafe Barriers Wind Breaks

The retractable cafe barriers wind breaks also called rolled up cafe barrier system.

The dimension is mainly determined to the aluminum retracting system, and aluminum retracting system is composed of 1* 70mm aluminum on top, 1*retracting system, 1*plastic fixation on poles, 1*32mm aluminum post on bottom and 1*plastic hook, please check the photo.

After learning parts of aluminum retracting system, then you can understand how to read the sizes below that we list below:

The Dimension of Retractable Cafe Barriers Wind Breaks

From the sheet above, you can learn that the regular sizes of aluminum post retracted system are 70(D)*1050(L)mm, 70(D)*1250(L)mm and 70(D)*1450(L)mm, and these sizes are tested by the market and are able to meet almost the customers’ needs.

Also from the constructure, we can tell that the banner size is limited by the aluminum retracting systems and the height of poles. For example, the mode 1050mm with 900mm height of poles, the banner could be made less than 1000mm in width, less than 850mm in height.

Usually we ask for the size for 1000*750mm, 1250*750mm or 1450*750mm, actually it means the banner size, because we will provide the corresponding aluminum post retracted system based on it, this is a kind of common sense in the market now. The aluminum post retracted system size is larger than the banner size, then the banner could be rolled into it.

But there is always an exception, called customization, someone ever asked for 1950mm*1500mm, it could be made with 3 requirements:

No.1 We have to adjust the spring inside to increase the tensile force from pulling;

No.2 The stanchion poles need to be made at least 2000mm in height;

No.3 Minimum order quantity limitation.

It helps you to make the best choice after learning the dimension of retractable cafe barriers wind breaks when you’re ready to try it, and if you want to look for more professional advice on your projects, please feel free to contact us [email protected] from Ningbo Hongqi Import and Export Co.,ltd.

Queue Pillars Retractable Cafe Barrier Wind Breaks

What’s the Common and Difference Between Queue Pillars Retractable Cafe Barrier Wind Breaks and Rope Stand Budget Drinks Shop Wind Barrier System

Queue Pillars Retractable Cafe Barrier Wind Breaks

The common

The benefits are the same, they are cost-effective and flexible to create a privacy, shelter and shade for customers, increase good impression from customer consumption experience and attract more people with characteristic banner design, which will increase income and your brands.

It also helps control crowd in the queue line and guides people to go somewhere with arrow sign on the banner.

Furthermore, it saves a lot of space when it is put away, because it is disassemble and assemble, please check A Simple Guide to Retractable Cafe Barriers Wind Breaks to find out the reason.

The difference

The difference of composition.

The one set of queue pillars retractable cafe barrier wind breaks is composed of queue pillars, retractable aluminum post system, abs sliders, plastic fastening piece for abs sliders, plastic hook and customized advertising banner, please view the photo.

Rope Stand Budget Drinks Shop Wind Barrier System

The one set of rope stand budget drinks shop wind barrier system is composed of rope stands, aluminum post system, metal hook, metal O ring fastening piece for hook and customized advertising banner, please view the photo.

Rope Stand Budget Drinks Shop Wind Barrier System

The key difference between queue pillars retractable cafe barrier wind breaks and rope stand budget drinks shop wind barrier system is that queue pillars retractable cafe barrier wind breaks works by retractable system and the rope stand budget drinks shop wind barrier system works by a straight aluminum post system, and this is also the main difference between queue pillars retractable cafe barrier wind breaks and rope stand budget drinks shop wind barrier system.

The difference of stands.

Queue pillars also called retractable stanchions, please check The Retractable Stanchions for more information on retractable stanchions, it consists of retractable belt, stainless steel poles and stanchion base.

Rope stands also called rope stanchions, please check The Rope Stanchions for more information on rope stanchions, it consists of ball top or crown top or flat top stainless steel poles and stanchion base.

Obviously, the key difference of stands focuses on the head.

The difference of connector(accessories)

The connector of queue pillars retractable cafe barrier wind breaks is the plastic fastening piece, it connects the queue pillars and retractable aluminum post system, but the connector of rope stand budget drinks shop wind barrier system is the metal O ring, it connects the rope stands and straight aluminum post or velvet ropes.

The way how to assemble the banner

For queue pillars retractable cafe barrier wind breaks’ banners,  usually we will sew the transparent plastic concave-convex zipper and transparent plastic T Bar on the banner. We just sew the banner on when it is required, please check the video for easy understanding.

For rope stand budget drinks shop wind barrier system ‘ banners, usually we will make the same long hole with width of banner, and the aluminum posts go through the hole.

No matter queue pillars retractable cafe barrier wind breaks or rope stand budget drinks shop wind barrier system, they plays the same function to serve people based on the environment, and it is flexible, quick and cheap way to create a privacy, shelter or shade for customers, please check  A Simple Guide to Retractable Cafe Barriers Wind Breaks to find out more benefits. Please contact us [email protected] for more details if you are interested.